New Meeting Location!
Standish Town Hall1st Wednesday of each month we will now be meeting in the Sebago Lake room at Standish Town hall at 7pm. Much brighter, more comfortable location. Please join us! -
Latest Goings on
Trails Are OPEN!Thanks to all who volunteered and helped with cleanup after all the terrible storms we had over the winter we have successfully opened on time. with that said please ride safe as there are still a lot of trees down beside the trails and other obstacles that need to be cleaned up. -
please ride safe!
Trails are OPEN!reminder, job rd. to town hall is closed. please respect landowners and do not drive on closed trails. We have hopes that we will have a work around soon. Our town hall park and ride does not access the majority of our trails. please use Whistlestop store in Baldwin and now Carrs family restaurant has been kind enough to let us use their far lot.Learn More -
Saco River Riders
ATV CLUBStandish, Steep Falls, Gorham, Baldwin and buxton Maine.Learn More
Join us for rides, events and trailwork!
We hold meetings the first Wednesday of the month at Standish Town Hall. -
Want to Join?
MEMBERSHIP FORMSCome and join us at one of our monthly meetings.Membership Form
Fill out the form and Pay Online!
We are now proudly members of ATV Maine! Each member will now have the added benifits of joining their club as well. We look forward to working closely with them to sponser events, rides and area meetings.

Our aim is to provide great family fun!
We and the rest of the team love to ride off road, to most of us it is more than just a hobby and has become a passion. We appreciate that there are many different types, ages and levels of riders and try to make all of our events as accessible and enjoyable for the novice as they are for the expert level rider.